Sometimes the fit isn’t quite right, or a piece of gear just isn’t what you expected. It doesn’t happen often at Badlands. But when it does, we promise to take care of it.


To start a return, you’ll enter key information like your name, order number and ZIP code. If everything’s accurate, we’ll set you up with everything you need for a smooth return.

You can return your item(s) within 60 days of purchase. We’ll cover the
entire cost of return shipping via a prepaid shipping label.

At this time, we’re only processing returns and refunds through this system. If you want your gear in a different size or color, complete the return/refund process to return the gear you don’t want and then place a new order with your preferred item(s) and details.

Of course! If you have questions about a return you started previously, reach out to info@badlandspacks.comand we’ll respond soon to get everything sorted.



First off, we're sorry you have to make a return. That's never fun but hopefully we can make it as pain free as possible. A couple of notes and then we'll get your return started:

  • At this time, we're only processing returns and refunds. We are not currently offering size, color or item exchanges.
  • To get a different size, color or item you will need to complete the return process below and place a new order for the desired item.
  • To start your return, simply hit the START RETURN link below and it will walk you through the pain-free process. 
  • You will receive email and/or text updates throughout the process until it is completed.
  • Due to different timelines from different financial institutions, it can take up to two weeks AFTER WE RECEIVE THE ITEM BACK to see your refund hit your bank account. We ask that you wait until that time to contact us about any pending refunds. 


 Thanks for your order and for being a Badlands customer!